Saturday 27 March 2010

Alright petal...

So as today is proving to be a pretty rubbish day... pretty flowers to cheer me up.


All tied up ...

I am loving ropes at the mo. Twisted, knotted, tied up, fraying...I just think they’re beautiful. As a result they’re providing much of the visual inspiration for my final collection (see previous post).

And it looks like I’m not the only one...check out these stunning rope accessories courtesy of Anthropologie and Sabrina Dehoff.


Thursday 25 March 2010

I love floats. fact.

I’ve finally been reunited with my camera and managed to take some photos of my work today. The samples are hardly anywhere near the level and quality I want them to be, but they’re a start. I am loving the long floats produced on the jacquard and feel they perfectly capture my design inspiration ‘to fall into the net’. Particularly adoring the woven skirt which very cute and will look larvely on my model.

The rope inspired neck pieces are also far from finished but these images show the general direction they seem to be heading. I embroidered into a few of the samples, my tutor wasn’t too sure about this, but I think it looks great.

I rewarded myself for my hard days work with a new moisturiser. I may only have partially finished samples, but at least my face will be smooth and pretty-ish.


Monday 22 March 2010

Pink and perfect...

Not even 9am and I’m already getting distracted from my work. Oh dear, it's going to be a long day.

Check out these beeeautiful images from Loving the dreamy atmospheres and pearly pink shades. Fueling my desire for the spring sunshine to come back so I can whip out the summer dresses from the back of my wardrobe.


Sunday 21 March 2010

Strike a pose...

My lovely talented friend Rachel Moore and I have just decided to do a photo shoot at the stunning Whitley Court. Rachel was instantly inspired by the eerie beauty and splendour of the burnt out ruined county house (which is much more appealing than it first sounds trust me) and the location fits perfectly with a number of the trends she’s researching as part of her final collection.

Me, if I’m honest, just fancy the trip out but also think the striking empty windows and never ending stone steps (see the images bellow) could provide the perfect back drop for my final collection.

Due to the amount of money we’ve recently both had to painfully part with for yarns, printing, photocopying etc we’ve taken to facebook stalking for models. Luckily we’ve found a fantastic makeup artist from the local college who’s going to assist, but it looks like we’re going to have to beg, borrow and steal the wardrobe.

Aaaah, the joys of being a student...


What a knit wit...

I came across these stunning knitted accessories by designer Liria Pristine on (an amazing website for anyone interested in knitting, fashion or textiles).

I absolutely love the dramatic forms she creates which enhance and play with the figure. Check out her inspiring use of feathers, chains and metallic yarns at

These are definitely going to inspire my next collection.


Thursday 18 March 2010

ooooh, it's all shiney and new...

New blog! Going to try much harder to keep up with this first post.

Completely obsessed with, could spend hours searching for inspiration. These are the images that are inspiring me today for my new collection of fashion accessories and garments for my final degree show.

As you may have guessed from the images I'm in a whimsy kinda romantic mood today.

